

What is it?

“Decent Work – Decent Future” platform is the international online platform, which unites like-minded organizations, whose activity is related to the labour market issues, particularly atypical employment and precarity, and provides general, legal, and practical information about precarity situation in different countries.

Why do we need it?

Nowadays, we witness that precarious labour and work conditions, atypical employment and various types of associated instabilities become more and more serious and topical issues for workers and employees of all kinds all around the world.

The members of “Decent Work – Decent Future” platform believe that these issues should be addressed and can be effectively sold only collectively uniting all involved and affected parties in different regions and countries. The platform, from this perspective, is served as the connection tool.



For whom is it?

The platform is meant for use by precarious workers, experts and researches, public bodies and NGOs, general public, and other interested individuals or organizations.

What kind of information is available here?

The general information about precarity is presented in “What is precarity?” section. In the “Knowledge Bank” section you can find reports about the labour rights and work conditions in various country, labour-market related literature and articles, media files, as well as our own researches. In the “Organizations” section you can get yourself familiar with the members of the platform and scope of their activities, as well as obtain their contact information.

In the “News” section we are publishing information about recent labour legislation changes, our ongoing projects, as well as other relevant and recent information that might be useful and interesting for the guests and users of the platform. Our past and current events are published in the “Events” section.


How can I become the member of the platform?

For more information please check the “Join us” section.

How can I keep updated about the platform’s news?

If you want to receive the latest information from the platform, please subscribe to our digest. You can do it by clicking the “Subscribe” button and filling it the form.

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We respect your privacy and handle your personal data and cookies with care and in according to our privacy policy.

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