Join us

1. If your organization wants to become a participant of the platform, please write to Your request will be examined by the consortium of the platform members.

Please keep in mind the following requirements applied to potential members of the platform.

a. The organization should be working in the fields of labour market related research, labour legislation, youth and youth policy, and/or social security.
b. Principles of your work should be in accordance with the principles of the platform. Your intention of promotion the idea of decent society and welfare state should be clear. The organization should also prove its opposition to the continuous process of precaritization of labour market, as well as to show the specific actions it has implemented in this regard.
c. By becoming the member, you agree to actively participate in common activities of the platform and complement its functioning.

Platform membership is free of charge and absolutely voluntarily. Your organization has a right to leave the platform at any moment upon notification the platform’s coordinating organization. The platform’s coordinating organization, upon the consultation with permanent members of the platform, reserves a right to cease your organization’s membership in case of violation of the platform rules.


2. If you are an individual and want to join the platform, please write to or to one of the member organizations from your country and we will discuss the possible forms of cooperation.


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