In the beginning, can you please tell us more about you?

My name is Andjelka, I am 33 years old and I have a master’s degree in engineering management. I was born in Čačak, Serbia, and I have been living in Sarajevo for two years. I have been volunteering since I was 18, and I am the founder and organizer of the Days of Urban Culture festival in Čačak, which combines street art, extreme sports, and music. By moving to Sarajevo, I became an activist of the Cure Foundation.

Where do you live and work?

At the moment, I am not permanently employed, I work mainly on projects for which I am hired on a part-time basis, but such a position currently suits me. My last engagement was in a large corporation in Serbia. I realized that I do not like jobs that do not allow me to progress. That’s why I experienced burnout, I quit and I consider it a turning point in my business development.

What is your education level?

I am highly educated. I completed my undergraduate studies in economics, majoring in public finance, and a master’s degree in engineering management.

Are you employed?

I do not have a permanent job. I am engaged on a part-time basis in projects in the non-governmental sector.

Can you share your last mentionable work experience?

My last full-time job was in a large corporation where I worked as an assistant in the marketing sector.

What is your employment contract (definite or indefinite)?

I am satisfied with my part-time engagement because the conditions under which we work are clearly defined.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this form of work?

I would not change anything in the jobs I am currently engaged in, because by providing a service through sharing my knowledge, I get adequate material satisfaction.

What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of working under an employment contract compared to a contract of indefinite duration?

My personal opinion is that people with a fixed-term contract “swing” in a position very quickly, while in the fight for contracts you always need to prove yourself, impose yourself and be better. Somehow you maintain quality.

Did you hear the term Precariat?

I am not familiar with the term “precariat” but based on your explanation, the term does not fit into my value system and I do not think I am such a worker.

Is precarious work term known in your country (home or where you are currently live in)?

No, I don’t think this term is known at all in the country where I live.

In your country are a lot of people precarious workers?

I believe that there are such workers, but I have not met them.

Where do you see yourself in the future?

In the future, I see myself in matters related to organization and management in the field of culture. I want to improve my knowledge acquired so far and share it with the people I will work with. Good communication and market research needs are very important to me.

Is the Precariat topic interesting to work on for you?

Everything that is new and that I do not know, and it concerns sociology and social relations, is interesting to me and I will certainly explore it in the coming period.

Interview made by: Irma Sarać-Hukanović

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